Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Triathlon: Problems with the Elbows While the Legs Keep Going

In the past, I've always liked running and swimming. However, I've frequently had problems with my knees when I've gotten into an intensive running routine. Beginning in my senior year in high school, I've experienced reoccuring tendinitis in my elbows from swimming. These injury problems were the reason I got into biking (almost zero impact). But they were also the reason I decided to give triathlons a try. I figured that if I didn't overtrain in any one sport, I wouldn't experience any of my old injury issues.

As the title alludes to, I've had great luck so far with my knees while my elbows have recently started giving me troubles. Beginning after my swim workout (2500 yards, mostly low intensity) last Tuesday, my right elbow has been bothering me. The weird thing is that the pain is sometimes just forward of the elbow and other times on the back of the elbow by the tricep. Because of this, I'm not sure if there's actually anything wrong or if I'm imagining it. Maybe the pain is there because my mind is focused on my elbow so much that it never really relaxes. I'm going to take a 1.5 weeks off and then start swimming again.

The good news is that my knees haven't had any issues yet. The running is going very well. Last Wednesday, we had a 3 mile time trial that I completed in 19:28.

On the fundraising front, I've raised $850 so far. I'd like to thank Roman Kogan and Nathan Luther for their generous donations. Again, if you'd like to donate, please click here to visit my fundraising page.

Overall, my totals for last week were as follows: swimming: 2500 yards, biking: 95 miles, and running: 11 miles.

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