Monday, January 30, 2006

What is Ski Porn?

That is the question I have gotten from some of my non-skiing friends. Some didn't know what it was while others, like my mother, were offended and thought that I was actually writing a review of the latest skin flick. Ski porn is hard core skier lingo for ski videos. If you don't believe me, just google it and you'll find a whole array of good clean ski videos to choose from. Ski porn is what we, who are addicted to skiing, use to satisfy our cravings when we can't get out to the slope.

Although not the same as when you are out there yourself, its still pretty invigorating/inspiring to watch the guy or the girl in the video skiing a beautiful line in knee deep powder down an insanely steep (>50 degree) pitch in the Chugach. You wish it were you when they huck a 50 ft cliff and land it effortlessly. You're glad its not you when the landing doesn't go so smoothly and the aforementioned huck is followed by 20 cartwheels down the slope without the skis releasing. My ACL hurts just watching. Even though what they do far exceeds our abilities, it does motivate us to get in the car for that 9 hour drive in search of good snow and great terrain. So, if I offended you, I'm sorry. But ski porn is what it is and I will not give in to political correctness and call them ski movies. That just sounds so lame.

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